Kommende udstillinger
2025 - 2026
Fussingø Slot
Creative Mind
Abstract works
Graphic works
Hand-colored Prints
Acrylic on Paper A3
Acrylic on Paper 32x48
Acrylic and collage on paper
Interior photos
Catalog covers
Hand-colored prints
If you want to buy, send me an email
Do you have to wake me up so early, A3. Kr. 900.
In frame kr. 1.800
Frogmann of the year,
A3. kr. 900. In framekr. 1.800
Getting ready for the carnical, A3. kr. 900. In frame kr. 1.800
Mature beauty,
A3. kr. 900. In frame kr. 1.800
It was a hair-raising experiance, A3. kr. 900.
In frame kr. 1.800
Lucy in the sky with diamonds, A3. kr. 900. In frame kr. 1.800
Curly hair in the sunset, A3.
kr. 900. In frame kr. 1.800
Silent days on the sunny side of the street, A3. kr. 900.
In frame kr. 1.800
Could any of these jerks be my father, A3. kr. 900.
In frame kr. 1.800
Smoking Havana in Louisiana, A3. kr. 900. In frame kr. 1.800
Queen of Caribbian, A3. kr. 900. In frame kr. 1.800
Do you still think you are funny, A3. kr. 900. In frame kr. 1.800
Enjoying my new hairstyle, A3.
kr. 900. In frame kr. 1.800
I'm watching you, Babe, A3. kr. 900. In frame kr. 1.800
Just saw him passing by, A3. kr. 900. In frame kr. 1.800
Last smoke - ever, A3. kr. 900.
In frame kr. 1.800
Totally relaxed, A3. kr. 900.
In frame kr. 1.800
Under the shadow of my hat, A3. kr. 900. In frame kr. 1.800
Under the shadow of my hat, A3. kr. 900. In frame kr. 1.800
Under the shadow of my hat, A3. kr. 900. In frame kr. 1.800